Our Strategy
Housing Market Opportunity

Homebuilders require a sophisticated scaled partner to alleviate balance sheet demands and unlock enterprise value through more efficient capital investment.
Millrose’s economic model is focused on delivering current income and predictable cash flows to shareholders throughout the land acquisition and development process.
Land is Purchased
- Millrose and the homebuilder enter into HOPP’R agreement.
- Millrose acquires the property on behalf of the homebuilder.
Land Development
- Millrose reimburses the homebuilder for costs incurred to develop the land.
Homesite Completion
- The homebuilder acquires the finished homesite from Millrose based on a pre-determined takedown schedule.
Homesite Development
(12–60 Months)
Homesite Development
(12–60 Months)
Millrose Participation
- Millrose and the homebuilder enter into HOPP’R agreement.
- Millrose acquires the property on behalf of the homebuilder.
Land is Purchased
- Millrose reimburses the homebuilder for costs incurred to develop the land.
Land Development
- The homebuilder acquires the finished homesite from Millrose based on a pre-determined takedown schedule.
Homesite Completion
Homesite Sold
- Proceeds from the sale get redeployed into the HOPP’R for future land purchases.
Home Construction
(6–14 Months)
Home Construction
(6–14 Months)
Builder Participation
- Proceeds from the sale get redeployed into the HOPP’R for future land purchases.
Homesite Sold
Home Construction
Home Delivery